Mon, 10 Feb 2014 [Updated information]
Recruitment of "Japan Open Data Award" sponsors
"Japan Open Data Award" by our consortium will be held in this fiscal year for the best projects of open data.
Please see that the Japan Open Data Award of last fiscal year.
- [English]
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- [Japanese]
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Last fiscal year, it is sponsored by Google, IBM Japan, Microsoft Japan, International University of Japan GLOCOM, Softbank telecom, Japan Geotechnical Consultants association and Open Knowledge Foundation Japan.
The sponsors are wanted in this fiscal year.
At the same time, sponsors of last year are welcomed to join us as well.
The sponsors are in charge of following points.
1) Examination of the commendation.
- Select one sponsor award among the candidates who are listed by the secretariat. You may choose the candidate out of the list.
- Tell the secretariat the examination result and reason.
- The schedule will be send by Friday, February 21. Please send the examination result and reason to the secretariat by 12:00 on Friday, February 28.
- The secretariat contacts recipienst and requests them to join the commendation ceremony. The transportation expenses of prize winners are paid by the secretariat.
2 ) Preparation for extra prize.
- The certificate of merit is prepared by the secretariat, but the extra prize is prepared by each sponsor.
- Extra prize does not need to be an expensive thing.
- Last year, there were nexus7 (Google), X-box kinect (Microsoft Japan) and Hakkaisan(International University GLOCOM). Best winner of extra prize received a bottle wine of the magnum.
3) The commendation ceremony
- The commendation ceremony will be held in the 4th meeting of Use, Application and Dissemination Committee (@ Mitsubishi Research Institute) from 10:00 to 12:00 on Thursday, March 13, 2014. Please participate the ceremony and give the certificate of merit and extra award to prize winners.
Please support for the activities of open data!
If you have any questions, please contact secretariat <>.
Thank you for your cooperation.