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Thu, 14 Mar 2013 [Updated information]
Commendation ceremony was held for the "Japan Open Data Award"

The commendation ceremony of the "Japan Open Data Award" was held on Wednesday, March 13, 2013.


           An outline of the activities of each recipient is here.



General comment of Prof. Nakamura (Chairman of the Judging Committee):

"This time, a great variety of people received the prizes such as central government offices, a prefecture, a big city, a local city, a town, a company, the laboratory of the university, NPO and the group. It is rare case that there are many kinds of recipients. All recipients started their projects with a pure public sprit and enthusiasm. I expect that their activities will be developed as business with many respects".




1st prize /Google award: Data city Sabae

[1st prize]

The city took the action for open data ahead of other cities. In this year, the city developed the activities even further. They increased the number of open data and provided the service information of the community bus in real time. They have began to take new actions. A further challenge is expected.

They focused on the possibility of open data faster than anybody and proceeded actions with a risk. These points were evaluated. The open data (WebAPI) of location information of city bus in real time is a rare advanced example worldwide. Possibilities of applications close to a civic life are expected by gathering ideas and applications though Web application contest.

[Google award]

The local government takes the lead in a release and promotion of the various data. This is a fine project which expects for open data innovation within the local government. In addition, it gives useful profits to the real civic life. It is expected to be developed into other areas and fields with future results. 

2nd prize / Japan IBM award: 2013 International Open Data Day

[2nd prize]

The activities cooperated with foreign countries, not staying within the country, are evaluated.

The logistic support with a global point of view is evaluated with the significance.

[IBM JAPAN award]

It is highly appreciated that they contributed for open data promotion and community creation in Japan after establishment in 2012. In addition, they achieved global results leading this event as a Japanese representative in International Open Data Day held in February, 2013.

Best activity award: Calil library cross- search service


[Best activity award]

They developed unprecedented service and built the operation structure with low cost by utilizing the information of book collections and lending information in the libraries of whole country and bibliography information of Amazon besides the use of cloud service. This is very useful in thinking about future open data utilization business. The interface is good. A point that new service has developed by releasing API is also evaluated.

Best activity award: Creation of Japanese version and Yokohama city version of Where Does My Money Go?

[Best activity award]

The great visualization of a relation between citizen and a public is evaluated

Best activity award : A series of activities of the Meteorological Agency
[Best activity award]
Motivation and actions are evaluated such as a release of the disaster prevention information XML format telegraph on a trial basis, and the cooperation to the meterological data Ideathon and Hackathon in addition to a release of the substantial statistics information. Since needs of the open data for weather is high, a further development will be expected.
Best activity award: Aomori image content and promotion
[Best activity award]
Beautiful images are open to the public by publishing the secondary use license. By developing the open data of sightseeing information and facility information, the content will become attractive with this combination. Possibilities to spread to the public user are expected.
Best activity award: LOD challenge
[Best activity award]
Not only over 200 applications were gathered but also the LOD challenge day was held almost every month in all over the county during the period. That  is excellent promotion activity. Although the open data of Japan is behind Western countries, existence of LOD challenge is significant from a viewpoint of understanding and promoting the engineering method of open data.
Best activity award: Data catalogue site using CKAN
[Best activity award]
Although the project is supported by volunteers, it played significant role in a share of results by gathering the data used in the Hackathon of each place.
Japan Microsoft Award :Activities of Yokohama Open Data Solution Development Committee.
[Japan Microsoft award]
It contributes to the local society by releasing and promoting the dataset though various events such as the International Open data Day in Yokohama.
International University of Japan GLOCOM award: Great East Japan Earthquake archive and three others
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[International University of Japan GLOCOM award]
It is the digital archive with diachronic visualization based on the complex data. In addition, it is built with a wide cooperation of creators and students. These are excellent works. It is expected that a technique for open data utilization in universities and educational institutions to be activated more.
Softbank telecom award: Electricity supply in Japan
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[Softbank telecom award]
It visualizes new information by utilizing extensive data as concrete example of big data. It was chosen as utilization case related to the open data.
Japan Geotechnical Consultants Association award: Nagareyama city and Nagareyama municipal assembly
[Japan Geotechnical Consultants Association award]
It is advanced example that the city and the municipal assembly work on the open data on both sites. It was chosen as a case which has continuous activities from a point of view as open data.
Open Knowledge Foundation Japan award: Cyber Miyashiro
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[Open Knowledge Foundation Japan award]
It provides a great variety of data in a machine readable format such as HTML through the homepage of the town including "Statistics of Miyashiro on Web" and "Dashboard of a budget and the result" before promoting the open data activities. I was chosen to introduce through the country since it was considered as a case of data offering model in the local government.


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